(Constance Lake, ON) – Police located and arrested a suspect who allegedly left behind their iPhone at the scene of an assault and break and enter Sunday.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working from the Constance Lake First Nation detachment received a call for service in the morning hours of Sunday, Oct. 20 following reports of an assault and break and enter that had just occurred.

As a result of an ongoing investigation, police learned an occupant inside the home had woken up after a young male had broken into the home.

The male accused, who was wearing a mask at the time of the incident, assaulted the victim after being confronted.

The suspect then fled the scene on foot.

As a result of continued investigation, police located a phone believed to have been left behind by the suspect. They later identified, located and arrested a 16-year-old male.

A 16-year-old male from Constance Lake First Nation is charged with:

·         Break and Enter

·         Assault

·         Disguise with Intent

·         Failure to Comply with a Release Order x 3

The accused appeared for a bail hearing on Monday, Oct. 21 and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.  

The name of the accused is being withheld in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act.


(Mishkeegogamang, ON) – Police responding to a violent incident at a Mishkeegogamang First Nation home safely evacuated three children before arresting the male accused Sunday night.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working from the Mishkeegogamang First Nation detachment received a call for service in the nighttime hours of Sunday, Oct. 20 following reports of a disturbance at a residential address on Henry Street.

Police learned the accused had allegedly sent threatening messages, and that children were in the home.

Officers entered the home and managed to remove the three children and an adult occupant without incident.

While negotiating, the accused threatened attending officers and advanced toward them with a knife. However, officers were able to convince the accused to disarm, which allowed negotiations with attending officers to continue.

After a short time, the accused began to fight with officers as they attempted to complete the arrest. Despite this, no serious injuries were reported as a result of the incident and the male was taken into custody.

Calvin NEEKAN, 29, of Mishkeegogamang First Nation, is charged with:

·         Assault Peace Officer with a Weapon x 3

·         Resist Peace Officer

·         Uttering Threats – Death or Bodily Harm x 3

·         Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

He appeared in court for a bail hearing and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.


(Sandy Lake, ON) – A driver allegedly involved in a motor vehicle collision while having three young children as his passengers has been charged with impaired driving.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working from the Sandy Lake First Nation detachment received a call for service in the early morning hours of Monday, Oct. 14, regarding a collision that had recently occurred involving a suspected impaired driver.

Police located the red pickup truck involved in a ditch at the corner of Airport and River Roads.

An investigation revealed the truck was observed travelling eastbound on Airport Road when the motorist lost control and came to rest in the ditch.

Police also learned three children, between the ages of two- and five-years old, were in the vehicle at the time of the collision. They were assessed at the community nursing station, but no injuries were reported as a result of this incident.

The suspected driver was located and taken into custody in the late afternoon hours of Monday, Oct. 14.

Jarvis Jackie GOODMAN, 30, of Sandy Lake First Nation, is charged with:

·         Operation of a Motor Vehicle While Impaired – Alcohol and Drug

·         Mischief

He has since been released with conditions and a future court appearance date.


(Webequie, ON) – Police arrested and charged a male for attempted murder following an alleged stabbing incident in Webequie First Nation Saturday.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working from the Webequie First Nation detachment received a call for service in the early morning hours of Saturday, Oct. 19 about a serious assault that had just occurred in the community.

An investigation revealed a male and female who were known to each other were on School Road when they became involved in an altercation. The altercation became physical and the female was allegedly assaulted by the male accused.

The victim sustained serious injuries consistent with a stabbing, and was initially treated for those injuries at the community nursing station. Due to the severity of her injuries, the victim was transported to Thunder Bay for further evaluation and treatment of those injuries.

The victim remains in the hospital, but the exact extent of her injuries is unknown at this time.

The accused was located and taken into custody in the evening hours of a Saturday, Oct. 19.

Members of the NAPS Crime Unit are now involved in the ongoing investigation.  

Bryton Jermaine Dante QUISSES, 26, of Webequie First Nation, is charged with:

·         Attempt to Commit Murder

·         Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

·         Failure to Comply with Release Order x 4

The accused appeared in bail court on Sunday, Oct. 20 and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.


(Fort Severn, ON) – Police charged a motorist, who appeared to drink alcohol from a red plastic cup during a traffic stop, with Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service received a call for service in the early morning hours of Saturday, Oct. 12, after receiving traffic complaints regarding a suspected impaired motorist.

Officers located a vehicle matching the description and successfully conducted a traffic stop.

When police approached the driver, they observed multiple signs consistent with impairment by alcohol.

Officers also observed the driver drinking from a red plastic cup believed to contain alcohol, and noticed an empty alcohol container in the vehicle.

The motorist was placed under arrest and taken into custody without incident.

Jolene Anne STONEY, 36, of Fort Severn First Nation, is charged with:

·         Impaired Operation of a Motor Vehicle – Alcohol and Drugs

She has since been released from custody with conditions and a future appearance date.


(Fort Hope, ON) – Two female youths, one 12- and the other 14-years-old, face charges of auto theft after getting a pick-up truck stuck in a ditch in Fort Hope earlier this week.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Fort Hope First Nation detachment received a call for service in the early morning hours of Monday, Oct. 14, regarding a pick-up truck in a ditch within the community.

Police located the vehicle stuck and partially in a ditch on Main Street and learned it had been stolen from a nearby home.

As a result of continued investigation, police learned multiple youths had broken into a home before stealing the vehicle parked in the driveway. The youths lost control of the vehicle shortly after the alleged theft.  Police identified, located, and arrested two female suspects on Wednesday, Oct. 16, and Thursday, Oct. 17 respectively.

A 14-year-old female from Fort Hope First Nation is charged with:

·         Break and Enter

·         Theft Under $5,000

·         Theft of Motor Vehicle

·         Failure to Comply with Release Order x 3

She appeared for court on Friday, Oct. 18, and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.

A 12-year-old female from Fort Hope First Nation is charged with:

·         Break and Enter

·         Theft Under $5,000

·         Theft of Motor Vehicle

She was released from custody with conditions and a future court appearance date.

The names of the accused are being withheld in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

The investigation remains ongoing.


(Summer Beaver, ON) – Police arrested a male who now faces assault, and break and enter charges following a violent incident in Summer Beaver First Nation Thursday.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Summer Beaver First Nation detachment received a call for service in the morning hours of Thursday, Oct. 17 regarding reports of an injured male believed to have been the victim of a recent assault.

Police learned an adult male was sleeping in their home when a male accused entered and assaulted them with a blunt object. The suspect then fled from the scene on foot.

The victim required treatment for their injuries at the community nursing station. The exact extent of those injuries is unknown at this time, but are not believed to be life-threatening.

As a result of continued investigation, police identified and located a male suspect. He was taken into custody without incident later that same morning.

The victim and accused are known to one another.

Marcel Barnabas OSKINEEGISH, 37, of Summer Beaver First Nation, is charged with:

·         Aggravated Assault

·         Assault with a Weapon

·         Break and Enter with Intent to Commit Indictable Offence

·         Fail to Comply with a Probation Order

He appeared in bail court on Friday, Oct. 18, and was released with conditions and a future court appearance date.


(Sandy Lake, ON) – A suspected impaired driver who allegedly damaged multiple vehicles before colliding into a ditch now faces impaired driving and mischief charges.

Nishnawbe Aski Police Service officers working out of the Sandy Lake First Nation detachment observed a silver pickup truck in a ditch on River Road just after 7 p.m. on Friday, Oct. 11.

Officers approached the vehicle and located an adult female in the driver’s seat. Police assisted the driver out of the vehicle, and observed several signs consistent with impairment by alcohol.

An investigation revealed the female was suspected of being involved in a collision with a parked vehicle prior to coming to rest in the ditch.

Further investigation revealed two parked vehicles had been damaged during that collision.

The female suspect was taken into custody without incident.

Sharon Misty MEEKIS, 48, of Sandy Lake First Nation, is charged with:

·         Operation of a Motor Vehicle While Impaired – Alcohol and Drugs

·         Mischief Over $5,000

·         Mischief Under $5,000

She was later released from custody with conditions and a future court appearance date of Nov. 4, 2024.


(Webequie, ON) – Police have arrested and charged a teacher amid an investigation into allegations of sexual assault against a minor.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Webequie First Nation detachment began an investigation into allegations of sexual assault against a minor in the community in September 2024.

Police learned the accused was a teacher in the community and had allegedly assaulted a male youth who was 15 years old at the time of the incident.

Members of the NAPS Northwest Crime Unit became involved in the continued investigation.

As a result of continued investigation, an arrest warrant was obtained and executed in the morning hours of Sunday, Oct. 6. The accused male was taken into custody without incident.

Noah John SISSON, 26, of Holland Landing, Ont., is charged with:


·         Sexual Assault on a Person Under 16 Years of Age

·         Invitation to Sexual Touching Under 16 Years of Age

·         Sexual Interference

The accused appeared for a bail hearing on Monday, Oct. 7 and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.

The investigation into these accusations continues. Investigators urge anyone who may have information, or may have been a victim or know of possible victims, to contact the NAPS Northwest Crime Unit at (807) 623-2161 ext. 6114.

You can submit tips anonymously through Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222-8477, online at


(Attawapiskat, ON) – Police arrested a male following a nearly four-hour armed standoff in Attawapiskat First Nation Sunday afternoon.

Nishnawbe Aski Police Service members working out of the Attawapiskat First Nation detachment received reports of an armed male barricaded inside a home on Spruce Street in the afternoon hours of Sunday, Oct. 6.

Police arrived on scene and contained an area surrounding the home to ensure public safety.

Police learned the male was armed with a firearm. Members of the NAPS Emergency Response Team were dispatched to Attawapiskat.

After hours of negotiation, the male exited the home, was cleared medically, and then taken into police custody. 

Roland IAHTAIL, 43, of Attawapiskat First Nation, is charged with:

·         Unauthorized Possession of a Firearm

·         Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

·         Possession of Firearm or Ammunition Contrary to Prohibition Order

·         Uttering Threats – Damage Property

He appeared for bail court on Monday, Oct. 7, and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.

For further information, please contact:


(Mishkeegogamang, ON) – Police arrested and charged a male suspect following an alleged incident in which three victims were attacked with bear spray Saturday.     

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Mishkeegogamang First Nation detachment received a call for service on Saturday, Oct. 5 regarding an apparent assault that had just occurred.

Police arrived at the scene, which was a residential address in the zero-to-100 block of James Road. As a result of continued investigation, police learned an adult male suspect had forcefully entered the home and attacked three people with bear spray.

The male suspect was identified, and located walking along James Road.

Officers initiated a high-risk arrest with assistance from members of the OPP’s Pickle Lake detachment. The suspect was taken into custody without incident.

Aaron Wayne FOX, 33, of Mishkeegogamang First Nation., is charged with:

·         Assault with a Weapon x 3

·         Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

·         Break and Enter Dwelling

The accused appeared for a bail hearing on Saturday, Oct. 5 and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.


(Apitipi Anicinapek Nation) – Police arrested a suspected impaired motorist who was speeding excessively and driving erratically in the community of Apitipi Anicinapek Nation Thursday afternoon.  

Members of the Nishanwbe Aski Police Service working out of the Apitipi Anicinapek Nation detachment received multiple calls for service regarding a person driving erratically in the afternoon hours of Thursday, Oct. 3.

A NAPS officer on patrol spotted a vehicle that matched the description provided in the area of Noels Drive and Penatuche Road shortly after 4:30 p.m. The motorist was observed travelling at a high rate of speed.

The officer conducted a traffic stop and approached the driver. During this interaction the officer observed several signs that the driver was possibly impaired.  The motorist was arrested for suspected impaired operation of a motor vehicle.

The suspect was transported to the OPP’s Iroquios Falls detachment for further evaluation by a Drug Recognition Expert. As a result of that evaluation, the motorist was formally charged with Operation of a Motor Vehicle while Impaired. 

A 33-year-old female from Apitipi Anicinapek Nation, is charged with:

·         Operation of a Motor Vehicle while Impaired – Alcohol and Drugs

She has since been released from custody with conditions and a future appearance date.

The names of accused individuals are withheld until charges are formally sworn before the courts.

Impaired driving represents a serious community safety threat, and the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service takes these kinds of incidents seriously.



(Attawapiskat, ON) – Police arrested two suspects, and seized more than $50,000 worth of illicit drugs during the search of a home in Attawapiskat Thursday.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service’s Intelligence Unit executed a search warrant at a residential address in the community of Attawapiskat First Nation in the morning hours of Thursday, Oct. 3.

The warrant was obtained as a result of an ongoing investigation into drug trafficking from that address.

Two suspects located inside the home were taken into custody without incident.

As a result of their search, police located and seized a quantity of suspected Oxycontin pills, Percocet pills, Methamphetamine pills, and paraphernalia consistent with drug trafficking.

The estimated street value of drugs seized totals $52,000 CAD.

More than $11,500 in currency, believed to have been obtained through drug trafficking activity, was also seized.

Ryan LOUTTIT, 34, of Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


·         Possession of Methamphetamine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Oxycodone for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Percocet for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000


Patience Cassie Cedar KOOSTACHIN, 27, of Attawapiskat First Nation, is charged with:

·         Possession of Methamphetamine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Oxycodone for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Percocet for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000

Both appeared for a bail hearing on Friday, Oct. 4. KOOSTACHIN was remanded into custody with a future appearance date. LOUTTIT was released with conditions and a future court appearance date.  


(Cat Lake, ON) – Police have arrested two suspects in connection with an arson investigation of a July fire that led to the destruction of about half-a-million dollars worth of construction materials.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Cat Lake First Nation detachment received a call for service regarding a fire in the community in the morning hours of July 14, 2024.

Officers arrived at the scene in the 100 block of Back Road where they found a warehouse engulfed in flames.

Police assisted contractors in extinguishing the blaze, however, despite those efforts a significant quantity of building materials were completely destroyed.

The estimated damages total about $500,000, and the materials damaged were meant for home building that would have helped address some of the community’s ongoing housing challenges. 

Members of the NAPS Criminal Investigations Unit became involved in the ongoing investigation.

As a result of continued investigative efforts, the fire was treated as a case of arson. Two suspects were eventually identified.

Police located and arrested both suspect on Wednesday, Oct. 2.

A 19-year-old female from Cat Lake First Nation is charged with:

  • Arson – Damage to Property

A 14-year-old female from Cat Lake First Nation is charged with:

  • Arson – Damage to Property

The name of the youth is being withheld in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act. The name of the adult accused is being withheld out of concern that their identity may unintentionally help identify the youth accused.

Both suspects have been released from custody with conditions and future court appearance dates.


(Attawapiskat, ON) –- Police in Attawapiskat arrested seven suspects Saturday, all of whom were connected to multiple violent assault investigations stemming from a series of incidents reported in the last two months.

The incidents being investigated by Nishnawbe Aski Police Service members working out of the Attawapiskat detachment occurred between Aug. 12 and Sept. 28.

Officers received a call for service for the most recent incident in the early morning hours of Saturday, Sept, 28. Police learned an assault had occurred involving seven accused individuals , with ages ranging from 13-years to 18-years old, who allegedly assaulted two people in an area on Tamarack Street.

One of the victims needed to be transported out of the community for further medical assessment and treatment. The exact extent of both victims’ injuries is unknown at this time, but are not believed to be life-threatening.

Through the course of their investigation, police identified, located and arrested all seven suspects. Police also linked a number of these suspects to other ongoing assault investigations.

Leo JACASUM, 18, of Attawapiskat First Nation, is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2


A 15-year-old male from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2


He faces additional charges relating to two previous incidents, including:


  • Assault x 2

  • Assault Peace Officer

  • Mischief

  • Unlawful Assembly

  • Criminal Harassment

  • Uttering Threats

  • Disguise with Intent

  • Intimidation


A 15-year-old male from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2


He faces additional charges relating to four separate incidents. Those charges include:


  • Assault x 3

  • Failure to Attend Court

  • Unlawful Assembly

  • Intimidation


A 15-year-old male from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2

  • Failure to Comply with an undertaking


He faces additional charges relating to three other separate incidents. Those charges include:


  • Assault with a Weapon

  • Assault x 2

  • Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

  • Unlawful Assembly

  • Disguise with Intent

  • Intimidation


A 16-year-old male from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2

  • Failure to Comply with Undertaking


He faces additional charges relating to two other separate incidents. Those charges include:


  • Assault x 2

  • Mischief


A 13-year-old male from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2

  • Breach of Recognizance


A 17-year-old male from Attawapiskat First Nation is charged with:


  • Assault with a Weapon x 2

The names of the youth accused are withheld in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act.

All suspects appeared for a bail hearing on Monday, Sept. 30.

Leo JACASUM has been remanded into custody with a future appearance date. All other accused have been released with future appearance dates.


(Moose Factory, ON) –  Police arrested four suspects and seized more than $50,000 worth of illicit drugs following the search of two homes in Moose Factory First Nation this weekend.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service’s Intelligence Unit executed a pair of search warrants at two residential addresses in Moose Factory First Nation between Saturday, Sept. 28, and Sunday, Sept. 29.

The search warrants were obtained as a result of ongoing investigations into drug trafficking activity within Moose Factor First Nation.

As a result of the first search, police located and seized a quantity of suspected fentanyl, crystal methamphetamine, Oxycontin, cash, and paraphernalia consistent with drug trafficking.

Two suspects linked to this investigation were arrested without incident.

As a result of the second search, police located and seized a quantity of suspected fentanyl, cocaine, Lorazepam pills, morphine capsules, codeine, two firearms, prohibited non-firearm weapons, and paraphernalia consistent with drug trafficking.

Two suspects connected with this investigation were arrested without incident.

The estimated street value of narcotics seized totals more than $50,000 CAD.

An 18-year-old female from Moose Factory First Nation, is charged with:

·         Possession of Fentanyl for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Cocaine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Codeine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Lorazepam for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Morphine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Buprenorphine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Careless Storage of a Firearm

·         Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon x 3


A 24-year-old male from Cochrane, Ont., is charged with:

·         Possession of Fentanyl for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Cocaine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Codeine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Lorazepam for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Morphine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Buprenorphine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Careless Storage of a Firearm

·         Unauthorized Possession of a Weapon x 3


A 32 female from Moosonee, Ont., is charged with:

·         Possession of Fentanyl for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Methamphetamine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Oxycodone for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000


A 40-year-old male from Moose Factory First Nation, is charged with:

·         Possession of Fentanyl for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Methamphetamine for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Oxycodone for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Under $5,000


All accused in this matter have been released with conditions and future court appearance dates.

Names of the accused are withheld until charges have been formally sworn in before the courts.


(Kashechewan, ON) – Police arrested a 20-year-old male Friday, Sept. 20, and seized a significant quantity of methamphetamine following a drug trafficking investigation in Kashechewan First Nation.

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Kashechewan First Nation detachment were dispatched to the community airport to detain a male suspect believed to be in possession of illicit drugs.

The arrest was part of an ongoing investigation by members of the NAPS Northeast Intelligence Unit into drug trafficking activity within Kashechewan First Nation.

A male suspect was located and taken into custody without incident. 

As a result of continued investigation, police located and seized a quantity of suspected methamphetamine pills, crystal methamphetamine, and paraphernalia consistent with drug trafficking.

The estimated street value of narcotics seized totals $30,000 CAD.

Harrison WYNNE, 20, of Kashechewan First Nation, is charged with:

·         Possession of Methamphetamine (pills) for the Purpose of Trafficking

·         Possession of Crystal Methamphetamine for the Purpose of Trafficking

He has since been released from custody with conditions and a future court appearance date.



(THUNDER BAY, ON) – Select members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service were honoured for outstanding service at a special ceremony Thursday.  

The 2024 NAPS Awards and Service Recognition Ceremony was held in the afternoon of Thursday, Sept. 19, at the Delta hotel in Thunder Bay. During the ceremony a number of officers received special honours for outstanding service, while others received formal recognition awards for years of service.

The winners of the 2024 Nishnawbe Aski Police Service Awards include:

  • Civilian of the Year – Dante Lagrange

  • Officer of the Year – Cst Abigail Couce

  • Lifesaving Award – Cst. Abigail Couce; Cst. Rob Soliman

  • Investigation of the Year – Fort Hope Team of Cst. Gina White; Cst. Dylan Vickruck; Cst. Christian Kim; Cst. Kienan Shortt & Sandy Lake Officers with Drug Enforcement Unit of D/Cst. Eric Rego; Sgt. Matt Dugas; Cst. Luke Fehr; Cst. Alex Tavares

  • Coach Officer Wilfred Chum Award – Cst. Gary Desgroseilliers

  • Community Service Alex Missewace Award – Cst. Bryan Halcro

  • Community Based Officer – Cst. Darryl Chapman

  • NCO Sgt. of the Year – Sgt. Jesse Einarson

  • Chief Citation for Public Award – Matthew Gull; Tara Sloss


Cst. Couce and Cst. Soliman received the prestigious life-saving award for their efforts during a Jan. 15, 2023, incident in Kashechwan First Nation. The two officers responded to a call for service after receiving vague reports about someone bleeding.

The pair attended the residence, but received no response when they knocked on the door. Due to numerous factors, the two officers realized there was a high likelihood the safety of the male inside was in immediate jeopardy.

Officers entered, searched the home, and eventually found the severely injured male. He still appeared to have a pulse. Had officers not arrived when they did, the outcome would have been far more tragic. The quick thinking and resilience of these officers certainly led to the man’s life being saved.

Meanwhile, the Fort Hope team, and Sandy Lake team with the Drug Enforcement Unit, received the awards for Investigative Excellence.  

Officers in Fort Hope received reports of a fire at the local school on Jan. 25, 2023. A violent explosion had blown out the building’s windows, and officers quickly responded to help restore community safety. What followed was a complex investigation that utilized social media, and interviews.

The fire was eventually confirmed to be a case of arson. This investigation has also received recognition by the First Nation Chiefs of Police Association (FNCPA). That award committee has determined these officers should be awarded the FNCPA President’s Commendation.

The Sandy Lake officers and Drug Unit were recognized for their ongoing and aggressive efforts to combat the increasing level of drugs coming into Sandy Lake First Nation.

In 2023, a special project led to the execution of 10 search warrants in the community, which resulted in 18 arrests, five firearm seizures, more than $70,000 in controlled substances seized, and an additional $50,000 in cash being seized.

The Nishnawbe Aski Police Service Awards & Service Recognition Ceremony is an annual event. NAPS is responsible for policing 34 First Nation communities across Ontario.


(Kashechewan, ON) – Police arrested a 16-year-old female Saturday following an alleged stabbing incident in Kashechewan First Nation.

Nishnawbe Aski Police Service officers working out of the Kashechewan detachment were dispatched to a residential address in the afternoon hours of Saturday, Sept. 14, following reports of an assault that had just occurred.

When police arrived on scene they located an adult female who appeared to have sustained injuries from a recent assault. The victim was transported to the nursing station for further evaluation and treatment of her injuries. The injuries do not appear to be life-threatening.

Through their investigation, police learned a youth accused had arrived at the home that afternoon and confronted the victim. During this confrontation, the youth is alleged to have assaulted the victim with a knife.

The victim and accused are known to each other.

The accused was located and taken into custody later that day without incident.

A 16-year-old female from Kashechewan First Nation is charged with:

·         Aggravated Assault

·         Possession of a Weapon for Dangerous Purpose

She appeared for a bail hearing on Sunday, Sept. 15 and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.

The name of the accused is being withheld in accordance with the Youth Criminal Justice Act.


(SANDY LAKE, ON) – A Kingston man arrested amid a drug trafficking investigation in Fort Severn in 2023 faces new charges after he was found in Sandy Lake with a significant sum of cash and a fake driver’s licence. 

Members of the Nishnawbe Aski Police Service working out of the Sandy Lake First Nation detachment received a call for service about a suspicious male using a possible fake identity to board a flight in the evening hours of Monday, Sept. 9.  

When officers arrived, they quickly identified the male as being a suspect connected to a 2023 incident in Fort Severn. His identity contradicted the information he gave to board the flight.

Further investigation revealed the male was in possession of forged documents – fake driver’s licence – and about $50,000 CAD suspected to have been obtained through criminal activity.

He was arrested and taken into custody without further incident.

Simon VAN, 28, of Kingston, Ont., is charged with:

·         Possession of Property Obtained by Crime Over $5,000

·         Use, Deals, Acts on Forged Document x 2

·         Obstruct Peace Officer

·         Failure to Comply with Release Order

The release condition was linked to a separate charge of Possession of Cocaine for the Purpose of Trafficking, which was laid by NAPS in May of 2023 following an incident in Fort Severn First Nation.

The accused appeared in bail court on Tuesday, Sept. 10 and was remanded into custody with a future appearance date.