Am I Missing?

“Am I Missing?” is a public service announcement created to help the public better understand the process of identifying and reporting a missing person. The campaign also attempts to dispel the common myths that you should wait 24-48 hours before reporting a person as missing.

A video PSA and resources were created which identify the three simple steps to take if a loved one suddenly appeared to be missing.

So if your loved one goes missing follow these 3 simple steps:

  1. Try to find me: Contact friends or other family members of the missing person. Are there places the missing person typically frequents? Is there a way to check those locations?

  2. Assess the risk: Is there reason to believe the missing person could be in danger? If you aren’t certain, it’s best to trust your instinct.

  3. Call police: When attempts to locate a missing person have failed, and you believe this person is at risk, call the Police at 1-888-310-1122 and file a missing person report.

The “Am I Missing?” PSA also encourages people to ask one more serious question about their potential missing loved one:  Is there any reason to believe they are in immediate danger? If the answer is yes, then immediate action should be taken --- Call 9-1-1!

Risk factors to consider include:

  • The missing person has a visible or non-visible disability

  • The missing person is elderly or is very young

  • The missing person is dependent on prescription medications

  • The missing person is unfamiliar with the area such as city or town

  • The missing person is a wanderer or an Alzheimer patient

  • The missing person is associated with violent or high-risk behavior

Remember the three simple steps:

  1. Try to find me

  2. Assess the risk

  3. Call Police

Am I Missing - Video PSA

Background of Am I Missing?

The Am I Missing? PSA was adapted from the Seven Youth Inquest ”Am I Missing?” Initiative created in response to the Seven Youth Inquest Recommendation 91.

The Sioux Lookout “Am I Missing?” Initiative was developed in partnership and includes representatives from Nishnawbe Aski Police Service, Ontario Provincial Police, Northern Nishnawbe Education Council, Independent First Nations Alliance, Keewaytinook Okimakanak, Windigo First Nations Council, Shibogama First Nations Council, and Nishnawbe Aski Nation.

Am I Missing? - Postcard

A PDF of the Postcard is available in the following languages: (click to download/view)