What is the Community Resource Team?
Our service has been receiving numerous requests from community stakeholders for education, awareness, prevention and expertise on a range of important topics.
The Community Resource Team (CRT) was created to develop and deliver different type of community based tasks such as presentations on various prevention and education topics, attending community meetings, attending community events as well as assisting the Recruitment Unit in attending job fairs and presentations as requested.
How does the CRT work?
When a request for a presentation, event or meeting is received, the request is forwarded to the CRT. The lead for the respective region will coordinate the request and reach out to CRT members in that area to check availability. Participation is entirely voluntary and based on your schedule. If you accept a request, you may attend on your rest days, with overtime approval from your regional command in coordination with the CRT.
CRT members also have access to a repository of presentations, which can be used when the DARE curriculum is not required. However, if you have completed the Dare Officer Training, you are equipped to present on a wide range of topics beyond the standard curriculum.
Request the CRT
If you are aware of any of the following events, please don’t hesitate to request the CRT!
Community Events (Pow wows, gatherings, meetings, prevention and awareness gatherings, ect.).
Presentations (Alcohol and drug abuse topics, suicide awareness, bullying, ect.).
Job Fairs (The CRT can assist with recruitment efforts when requested and approved).
If you are aware of any of these events or if you receive a specific request that you believe the CRT can attend, please email crt@naps.ca with information on the request and a CRT lead will email you back shortly after receiving your email request.